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Creating World Class Proposals with Xait

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Silje Stensland



1 min

Creating World Class Proposals with Xait.

Haven’t the Winter Olympics been spectacular? The concept of teamwork is such a big part of the Olympics. Even when you watch the so called “individual” sports like downhill skiing, the winners spoke and time again speak of their teammates and coaches as being the key to their success.

As Xait gears up for SubSea Tieback conference next week, I challenge everyone to think about how their team creates proposals and if you are doing everything you can to create world class proposals. Just like the competitors in the Olympics, the best proposal is going to be generated by the tender team who does the most preparation, and puts forth the best collaborative effort. Please stop by the Xait booth (#17) at Sub Sea Tieback on March 2-4 and let us tell you how we help other global companies create winning proposals in XaitPorter.


Author picture

Silje Stensland

Silje is the Chief Marketing Officer of Xait. She holds a Bachelor in Marketing Communication and an Executive Master in Business Administration. She is an analytical, efficient and results-focused marketing and communications professional and her career spans over 15 years within real estate, oil & gas and IT. When Silje is not busy growing the Xait brand, you can find her at her family cabin in picturesque Sirdal, Norway, hiking, trekking and cross-country skiing.

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