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CPQ for Enterprise: How to Streamline Your Sales Game

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Coralie Beelen



3 min

CPQ for enterprise might just be the secret weapon you've been missing. Imagine a six-figure deal, a feather in your cap, and your name on the quarterly leaderboard. But between you and glory stands Everest; a mountain of spreadsheets thicker than phone books and price books older than Mick Jagger.


In this demanding arena, manual processes and outdated tools quickly turn your sales cycle into a frustrating climb.

Struggling to close complex deals? Enter CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) software, your secret weapon for transforming your sales game. 

Challenges and Consequences

You wrestle with rows of products and options, rules and numbers. Each is a potential booby trap as minutes bleed into hours. Fingers crossed, you hit "submit" for approval.

Finally, the approval email arrives. Revision request. Your heart sinks like a stone.

It’s just a bump in the road, right? But every revision takes time. And that initial spark you saw in your buyer’s eyes is beginning to dim.

These are just some of the challenges when enterprise teams relying on traditional methods:


  • Configuration Conundrums: Complex products with numerous options lead to misquoted configurations.
  • Pricing Puzzles: Manually calculating pricing across combinations is prone to errors and under-quoting.
  • Regulation Rigor: As regulations shift, ensuring compliance adds yet another layer of complexity.
  • Sales Cycle Slowdown: Paper-driven processes and lengthy approval emails stall progress and leave leads languishing.

Lost deals sting, but the real tragedy lies in the missed potential: unfulfilled customer needs and unmet business goals.

CPQ for Enterprise

CPQ for enterprise bridges the gap between complex products and services and sales. It's not just another weapon in your enterprise B2B sales arsenal. It's a game-changer and a mapmaker for closing more deals faster. Here's how. 

  • Effortless Configuration: User-friendly interfaces guide pre-built, custom, and component-based configurations, banishing errors. Easily select and combine components based on rules and constraints.
  • Dynamic Pricing Power: Automatically pull in costs, including labor estimates, discounts, rebates, and regulations. Create cost-plus, margin-based, and one-time pricing options. Automate estimated sales tax and pricing explanations. Handle multi-currency and adjustments with ease.
  • Compliance Confidence: Clearly define, administer and control rules and permissions. Built-in compliance and risk checks ensure quotes comply with regulations.
  • Streamlined Sales Cycle: Ensure discounts are subject to appropriate approvals. Role-based, multi-step, and parallel workflow progresses through a series of pre-defined steps.

The CPQ Impact is Tangible

Implementing CPQ isn’t just about ticking boxes; it’s about transforming your sales game.

Industry research show CPQ can deliver: 

  • 20-30% reduction in sales cycle (Aberdeen Group)
  • 18% increase sales win rates (Aberdeen Group)
  • 10-15% improvement in quote accuracy (Forrester)

How is XaitCPQ changing the enterprise game for our customers?

"Having the CPQ system has revolutionized the whole quoting process. It’s allowed us to empower the RSMs to do their own quotations, making them more efficient. There’s no delay. Now that we’ve got XaitCPQ, we’ve got full visibility of quotations and deals that are out there.” 

- Tony Serratore, Head of IT at Penlon

Level up your sales game

Ditch the spreadsheets, errors and delays. Embrace the power of CPQ and pave the way for a more profitable and customer-centric future.


  • Enhanced configurability and pricing precision
  • Faster, more accurate quotes
  • Reduced cost-per-quote
  • Optimized value and increased profitability
  • More satisfied and loyal customers

Say hello to your catalyst for revenue growth: CPQ for Enterprise sales.

Related article: CPQ: Proven Business Value for Executives, Managers and Sales


XaitCPQ - Configure Price Quote (CPQ) software

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Coralie Beelen

Coralie is an experienced Business Developer Manager at Xait. She studied Business Administrations in Germany with a focus on International Affair and has worked in Tech directly after her graduation. Her interests vary from painting, to literature, technological innovations, and cuisine.

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