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Beyond the Hype: Secure AI for Business

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John Ingve Eielsen



4 min

Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is a popular subject of books, movies and TV, suggesting everything from a work-free world to world domination. Today, the reality of AI is poised to deliver on an unprecedented scale.

But, are all AIs the same? Should I be worried about my job? What are the pros and cons and risks of leveraging AI in business?  

For business leaders looking to leverage the benefits of AI, there are some important considerations. In this blog, I explore the opportunities and the risks of AI in business, and how XaitAI is leading the way with a secure, closed-system AI that prioritizes customer data security.

All AIs are Not Created the Same

First things first, Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines. AI applications include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition and machine vision.

Each AI has its strengths and weaknesses. Some are better at certain tasks than others because they were designed for a specific purpose. For example, an AI designed to play games is different from an AI designed to drive a car. One is designed to adapt quickly, while the other must follow rules and make quick decisions. Other, more business-oriented AIs, like XaitAI, were specifically designed to work with text.

AI applicability also depends on how it was created. Some use machine learning, or learning from data, while others use rule-based programming, or a set of established rules. If you’re considering using AI at work, it’s important to consider exactly what that AI was designed to do. For example, XaitAI was designed to analyze, understand, suggest and assess content, offering a significant opportunity for time savings, especially for teams focused on large, complex proposals and documents.

The Hidden Risks of Generic AI in Business

With public AI models, the risk is significant, especially for businesses working with confidential, sensitive customer information and data. Public AI models, such as ChatGPT, typically leverage the world wide web as its data source, introducing uncontrollable risk and liability.

  • Where is the data coming from? Because you can’t control the data source, you can’t control the content outcomes, such as bias.
  • Are you using data you didn’t pay for? Accidental use of copyrighted data is not yet clarified in the industry introducing risk and legal minefields.
  • Can your inputs be reused? Whatever data you put into a public AI can be retained and used for training future models, and potentially accessed by other software applications.

In fact, some companies, such as Samsung Electronics, JPMorgan Chase, Amazon, Verizon and Accenture have reportedly barred staff from using ChatGPT for work.

Security is a Top Priority for XaitAI

Here at Xait, data security is a top priority. Our customers represent some of the largest business leaders in the world, and they work with sensitive, confidential and proprietary information every day. That’s why we designed XaitAI as a secure closed-system exclusive for each customer.

  • Customers own the data source. Training data comes specifically from the customer’s central data source.
  • Customer data is secure. Data never leaves the customer’s production perimeter.  
  • Customer data is not reused. Whatever customers put into their XaitAI stays in their XaitAI.

By pointing XaitAI toward a customer’s central data source, it learns to understand how they think and react. By understanding, it helps with analysis and suggestions, without introducing the risks of public AI.

Business Benefits of Secure XaitAI

XaitAI offers significant opportunities for time savings, without sacrificing sensitive, confidential and proprietary or introducing business risk. The key is how it works.

XaitAI is a Natural Language Processing (NLP)-based AI. It uses a standard model and then trains specifically on customer data to:

  • Analyze RFPs to drive faster, more informed bid decisions and delegate tasks based on that analysis.
  • Suggest relevant content to assist subject matter experts and writers with proposal development.
  • Improve the quality of text and language, which is a future focus for XaitAI.
  • Reduce start-up time by eliminating the need for tagging to gain context. XaitAI understands context based on usage.

Today, customers of XaitPorter, our flagship co-authoring and automation solution, are the first to work with XaitAI, helping us shape the solution. As we work with our customers, innovate and progress together, we envision XaitAI enhancing our entire proposal and pricing solution suite.

What is the future of AI in business? Will you lose your job? At Xait, we envision XaitAI as a business tool, or analysis and suggestion aid, for the subject matter experts and writers who develop proposals. Although XaitAI works on its own, the outcomes it generates can and should still be assessed and verified by its human counterparts. That’s where you come in.

As a human, you are a critical thinker; you are skeptical but open-minded, value evidence and respect precision, look at different points of view and will change positions based on reason. While AI will help you gather and analyze information, how you use that information rests in your hands. 

Related article: Xait Launches XaitAI to Improve Bid Decisions and Writing Productivity

XaitPorter - Co-authoring software for tenders and RFPs

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John Ingve Eielsen

John Ingve comes with 15 years of experience in developing software for the Oil & Gas and energy industry, where he has held roles from software developer to architect and manager. John Ingve is technology enthusiast, and is a believer in continuously improving to meet the demands of the future. He enjoys spending time with his family (including his two dogs), reading history books and hiking in the great outdoors.

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