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XaitPorter a High Performing Product in G2 Grid®

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Cheryl Smith



2 min

In the world of government procurement, competitive analysis is a game-changer. It sheds light on how we must position our business, it identifies barriers we must overcome with our solution, and it informs the strategy for our written response. The same is true when analyzing proposal management technology.

Does the solution save time to write and strengthen our proposal response? Does it overcome team collaboration barriers and help us be more agile? Does it establish a secure foundation for collaborating on other business documents?

Grid® Report for Proposal | Summer 2022

With G2’s Grid® Report for Proposal Summer 2022, businesses can analyze proposal management technology based on client reviews. The key lies in weighing high-level objectives with low-level objectives. For example, is your goal to win proposals? Or use track changes? Is your goal to do more proposals with the same staff? Or do just more of the same?

At Xait, we are constantly weighing these objectives to deliver innovative solutions built around our customers' needs.

  • With XaitPorter, our position as a High Performing product demonstrates our commitment to customer satisfaction. From document and template repositories and writing and reviewing in parallel to tracking changes down to the keystroke, 94% of clients reviewed agree we meet their requirements for efficiency. That means clients are saving time to focus on content and bidding more with the same staff. With analytics for evaluating process efficiency and time-saving integrations with CRM and CPQ, 97% of clients reviewed agreed we are heading in the right direction.
  • With Privia, our position as a Niche product demonstrates our experience in and commitment to government contractors. For two decades, Privia delivered proposal -specific solutions to this market, from industry-leading organizations to small consultancies. With Xait’s acquisition of Privia, we are introducing government contractors to the next generation of proposal technology; where XaitPorter’s database-driven solution helps clients deliver higher quality documents 70% faster.

Together we have combined our strengths. Together we collaborate with our clients each step of the way to increase their efficiency, reduce their costs, and win.

Review the Report. Join the evolution!

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Cheryl Smith

Cheryl Smith is our Senior Content Writer. She has additionally been writing and managing proposals since 1998. Shipley trained, she has helped establish proposal centers and advised on capture strategy, coached orals teams and lead marketing, communications and knowledge management programs. Cheryl is a graduate of The George Washington University with degrees in Theatre, Communications and Literature. When she’s not sharing her passion for work, she loves drawing, writing, cooking and exploring the Virginia woodlands with her husband, their dog Chase and the fuzzy guests they host for Rover.

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