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Web Proposals: The Smarter Way to Capture More Sales

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Coralie Beelen



2 min

The way buyers consider sales quotes and proposals has changed. Gone are the days when static emails and PDF attachments were enough to advance a decision. Today’s modern buyers want to engage digitally and expect simplicity from their buying experience. To succeed, sales professionals must move quickly and be more flexible and more collaborative than ever before to deliver a superior experience and outmaneuver the competition. The question is: is your manual sales process leaving you behind?

The Buying Process has Changed. Has your Sales Strategy?

One proven way to gain an edge over your competition with today’s buyers is to meet them where they are; web proposals simplify the buyer journey and make a positive first impression buyers trust to advance the sale. Instead of expecting prospective customers to download (and likely print) a PDF attachment, web proposals deliver compelling, easy to understand quotes online, without the hassle. Price, quotes and product specifications are included, naturally, but can also include a variety of personalized videos, data sheets, and cost and configure calculators that ease the buying decision.

Goal: Meeting your Buyers Where they Are

A web proposal is essentially a personalized web page that is automatically created to brand standards using quote data from your CPQ solution. Solutions like XaitCPQ tailor the content within the proposal webpage and then add links, product videos, and customized branding. Buyers easily evaluate their return on investment and construct different configuration scenarios by simply adjusting the specifications and terms in real time. Meanwhile, tools like a dynamic ROI calculator and 3D visualization perform the error-free heavy lifting. Sales teams simply include a link to the URL in their proposal covering email, and instantly the quote and all of its details are visible to the buyer.

Influence Buyer Decisions

The sales process is hard enough without the friction and delays that have sneaked into your manual process over time. It’s neither linear nor predictable. Web proposals deliver the elusive factor buyers want now; an easy purchasing process.

Increase Sales Revenue - Significantly increase upsell opportunities. Simplify the purchasing process and demonstrate value with landing pages that clearly show quote details, identify additional product options and provide interactive Return on Investment calculators. All in one convenient place.and demonstrate

Increase Conversion Rates - Accelerate decision making. Augment your web proposals with relevant case study videos, product explanation videos, and useful product-related links that save buyers valuable research and validation time.

Less Friction in the Sale - Improve sales performance and increase profit. Your web proposal includes an automatic “place order” feature that enables instant acceptance of the proposal, making it easier for buyers to buy there and then.

Related article: Web Proposals: More Effective than PDFs for Making a Sale?

Digital Sales Enablement

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Coralie Beelen

Coralie is an experienced Business Developer Manager at Xait. She studied Business Administrations in Germany with a focus on International Affair and has worked in Tech directly after her graduation. Her interests vary from painting, to literature, technological innovations, and cuisine.

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