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Want to Create Documents More Efficiently in Your Renewable Energy Company?

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Tore Medhaug



2 min

Many of Xait’s clients are in the renewable energy sector, offering services and solutions that contribute to making the world greener and more eco-friendly. Typically, these companies produce reports and studies for governmental and non-governmental organizations.

They use co-authoring and collaboration software XaitPorter to produce these documents efficiently and professionally.

In your company, do you produce documents that are large and complex and require multiple contributors and collaborators?

My guess is you need a better way to create these documents unless you're already using a document management system designed specifically for enterprise use.

Make Your Document Creation More Sustainable

I believe that a world based on renewable energy is not only possible, but it’s the right thing to do, and it’s profitable. Energy from renewable sources reduces greenhouse gas emissions and lowers our dependence on imported fossil fuels.

However, we have no time to waste if we’re going to reach the EU’s energy and climate objectives:

  • cutting greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030
  • becoming climate neutral by 2050.

In reality, many renewable energy companies waste both time and energy by relying on slow, inefficient, and unsustainable document creation processes.

It's no wonder they're struggling. When you work in a file-driven environment or with solutions like SharePoint, producing large, complex, image-heavy documents can be a pain.

Challenges Document Writing Teams Face

Let’s look at some of the common challenges that companies face before they get their document creation on track.

The folder structure is only known to the person or team who created it. The original file is nowhere to be found, and there are several copies of the same file in different locations.

The larger and more complex the file is, the more difficult it is to work with, especially when the team is co-writing from different locations.

Ultimately, the team spends way too much time on formatting, layout, and numbering, when what they should be doing is getting the content right.

Read more: How Proposal Software Helps Your Energy And Renewable Company

You Can Create Documents More Efficiently With XaitPorter

XaitPorter enables you and your team to work seamlessly, intuitively, and easily on the same document at the same time. Because the software solution handles formatting, layout, and numbering automatically, the more complex the document is, the more time you save.

Vector graphics images are also supported by XaitPorter. Suppose you have a drawing or image you want to pinpoint across a table. Producing it with XaitPorter ensures that this is always visible.

With the integrated workflow, you can change assignments in the document process. In this way, you can keep track of where you are in the process, what has been written, and who has written it.

Choose a Better Way to Write, For a Better World

Is your document creation process too time-consuming? Would you like a document management solution that works better than Word and SharePoint?

We've got you covered. I would love to have a meeting with you to figure out how we can solve your challenges on our path toward a more renewable and sustainable future.

XaitPorter - Co-authoring software for tenders and RFPs

Author picture

Tore Medhaug

Tore holds a Technical degree and has a variety of business courses from BI Norwegian Business School. He has previously worked for different oil service companies and IT companies. Tore used to be Norway's biggest self-proclaimed golf talent, and also has a big passion for Ice hockey.

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