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Tip the Odds of Winning in Your Favor – Create Your Next Bid with XaitPorter

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Pedro Bernardini



3 min

A bid, tender, or proposals team often manages various responsibilities, activities, and people simultaneously and within time constraints and deadlines. Thus, if high levels of project management skills and collaboration are lacking, many unwanted challenges may arise.

This becomes even more challenging if stakeholders of a bid team are located in different offices or locations, working in different time zones, or working from home.

As a result, in the bid-writing and creation process, Project/Bid Managers may not necessarily know exactly who in their team is doing what, how far along they are in that process, and whether the quality of the content being produced for their section of the bid is any good.

You can magnify this when you add subject matter experts or third-party contributors into the mix. For instance, if a Project/Bid Manager relies on external parties to provide content, they may not know when that content is due or if there are any issues with understanding the brief or the quality of the information they are receiving.

Take Back Control with Proposal Management Software

At Xait, we give our clients total project-management visibility in this process, making co-authoring and collaboration seamless and easy to manage when writing and creating the bid document. As someone managing the project, you will know who is doing what, and how far along they are in the process.

With a progress report, you can instantly see where you're lagging, and adjust accordingly. When deadlines approach, people will be automatically notified. It saves you from having to chase down every team member and feel like you're being controlling or pushy. Also, workers can apply pressure where they need it without you telling them.

In addition, you will be able to give timely feedback before deadlines. For instance, if a team member is stuck on an issue, you can quickly troubleshoot and provide support or guidance to help them move forward with their task.

With this level of control and visibility, you can ensure that all contributors understand their individual tasks and collaborate efficiently, ensuring that bid documents are completed accurately and on time.

In some ways, managing a proposal or bid project is like driving a car; you need to be able to see the road ahead to make sure you're heading in the right direction. And you need to be able to coordinate all the individual parts, such as the accelerator and the brakes, to ensure safe and efficient progress.

Who's Doing All the Formatting?

Great question! The answer is XaitPorter. Formatting, layout, and numbering are handled by the solution itself. With that, you can easily free up hours, even days. (For proof, check out our case studies section and see what our clients have experienced in terms of time-saving.)

As the formatting is taken care of automatically, you'll have more time to focus on ensuring your proposal accurately reflects your company's expertise.

With templates for formatting and layout as well as project layouts for document structures, you ensure compliance and a perfect result every time. Additionally, you simplify the success process for your team and use their expertise and knowledge to the fullest extent possible – on every project.

In other words: With Xait, you can focus on what matters most in tipping the winning odds in your favor – getting the content right.

We've Helped Companies Just Like Yours with Their Project Management Challenges for More Than Two Decades

The bottom line is that, with XaitPorter, you can improve all aspects of your bid-management process, increase work-life balance, improve collaboration, and see significant ROI. By helping you create high-quality bid content, XaitPorter enables you to gain that critical edge.

What is the biggest challenge you face as a Project/Bid manager? Let me know by sending me an email or a message on LinkedIn. I can show you how XaitPorter will solve your proposal management challenges. I can assure you; during the two decades we've helped companies like yours win more business, we've helped at least one client with a similar problem.

Relate article: 3 Best Practices: Proposal Management and Bid Qualification

XaitPorter - Co-authoring software for tenders and RFPs

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Pedro Bernardini

Pedro Bernardini is a Junior Business Development Manager & Sales Development Lead at Xait. With a Master’s Degree in Sport Management from UCFB, he has a strong background in sales, marketing, and recruitment in the sporting industry. His passion is helping sales and bid teams resolve complex business-critical issues relating to their bid-management processes. When he's not working hard at Xait, he avidly reads sales books. Chances are, if you find yourself at any random electronic music festival on the planet, Pedro will also be there.

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