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We are xaited to announce Akbarys as a new client

Author picture

Tore Medhaug



1 min

Xait is delighted to welcome Akbarys as a new XaitPorter client.

Akbarys is a Kazakhstan company, which provide H2S safety service, solid control service, consulting services for existing activities, and different kind of PPE.

They are developing fast and reaching for new markets - in other words an xaiting journey ahead! More information can be found here: Akbarys

"We are thrilled to get Akbarys as XaitPorter clients. We are proud to expand our footprint in Central Asia" - Tore Medhaug, Business Development Manager - EMENA Region

Author picture

Tore Medhaug

Tore holds a Technical degree and has a variety of business courses from BI Norwegian Business School. He has previously worked for different oil service companies and IT companies. Tore used to be Norway's biggest self-proclaimed golf talent, and also has a big passion for Ice hockey.

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