Xait Blog

XaitPorter’s G2 Ratings: Not “Too Good to Be True”

Written by Kris Sæther | Jun 8, 2023 6:00:00 AM

If you're a business leader, you know how hard it is to buy software. Choosing the right software solution for your organization is a longer and more complex process than ever before. 

It requires careful consideration of your company's needs, as well as the cost and capabilities of the software. One of the best ways to ensure you make the right choice is to read unbiased reviews from other B2B buyers.

Let’s take a closer look at the importance of B2B software reviews, and why XaitPorter’s ratings on G2 make prospective customers confident in their purchase.

You Trust Your Peers

As the B2B technology buying process becomes more complex, software reviews are becoming increasingly important. When researching and evaluating different software solutions, you probably rely heavily on the opinions and expertise of your colleagues, peers, and trusted networks.

It's easy to understand why this is the case. Software reviews provide social proof from your fellow tech buyers. You want to ensure the solution you're investing in is the right fit for your company. To make the best decision, it’s crucial to understand the opinions and experiences of those already using the software.

In Gartner’s report “2023 Global Software Buying Trends”, 41% of business leaders surveyed said that customer reviews and ratings play a critical role in shaping their software purchase decisions. Businesses consider customer reviews as an unbiased source of information about software quality, and use them to back up the information gathered from general research.

Source: Gartner

The Importance of Unbiased B2B Software Reviews in Your Purchase Decision

By reading honest, unbiased reviews from other users, you can better understand the software's strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, you can learn about potential issues with the solution and how the vendor addressed them (if they did). Unbiased software reviews also provide insight into the product's overall value and whether it is worth the investment.

Combining all these factors will allow you to make a more informed decision.

You Want Verified Reviews with Qualitative Commentary

Online user reviews are essential for evaluating software, but not all reviews are equal. Most businesses want verified, trustworthy reviews.

According to the Gartner report mentioned above, more than 50% of survey respondents derive the most value from reviews that have detailed commentary on what users like or dislike about a product.

Source: Gartner

XaitPorter's Ratings on G2 are Within the Range that Establishes Credibility and Buyer Trust

For businesses researching software solutions, G2 Crowd has become the world's most trusted buyer discovery platform. It provides valuable insights into software products, including features, performance, and pricing. B2B technology buyers can filter products by category, read user reviews, and compare products side-by-side to make informed purchase decisions.

Read more: XaitPorter a High Performing Product in G2 Grid®

G2 uses a five-star rating system to help you evaluate products, allowing you to leave detailed reviews of your experience.

Xait’s co-authoring and automation software solution, XaitPorter, has an overall rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars. Users praise many factors about XaitPorter, including the ease of use, collaborative features, and customer support.

Two of the most recent user reviews are shown below:

Source: G2

Source: G2

We're delighted with our ratings on G2. According to Northwestern University’s Spiegel Research Center’s report “How Online Reviews Influence Sales”, products with an average star rating between 4.2 and 4.7 are more likely to be purchased than those with near-perfect ratings.

The reason for this? The report makes it clear: “Near-perfect ratings undermine the review's credibility. Readers are skeptical of reviews that are too positive and, in many cases, a negative online review is seen as more credible.”

In other words, many people consider five-star ratings too good to be true. With a rating of 4.6, XaitPorter is in the sweet spot!

Feedback From Users Helps Us Improve Our Products

At Xait, we take user feedback seriously and use it to improve our products continually. We use customer feedback to identify potential issues with our software solutions and to improve the user experience. Customer feedback also helps us identify new features and capabilities users want to see in our software.

The development teams at our company regularly review customer feedback and make improvements based on what they learn. We also provide users with regular updates on new features and improvements.

Summary: Use Unbiased Product Reviews to Decide What B2B Software Solution to Buy

Unbiased reviews from other businesses with similar needs to your own can help you make informed decisions, reduce buyer's remorse risks, and save you time and money when purchasing B2B software. Because of this, companies are increasingly looking for product reviews when evaluating software solutions.

Our commitment to listening to our customers and using feedback to continually develop and improve our solutions has helped us maintain high ratings on G2 and position XaitPorter as the X factor for winning bids and proposals.

Learn more about what real XaitPorter users have to say (or leave your own review) on G2’s XaitPorter review page.