Xait Blog

The Seventh Day: 7 ways to collaborate

Written by Xait | Dec 13, 2017 11:00:00 PM

“On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me 7 ways to collaborate, 6 skilled reviewers, 5 approvers approving, 4 zoomable images, 3 key texts, 2 dashboard reports and one project in XaitPorter”

Although 7 swans a-swimming are beautiful, we have an alternative: 7 highly effective ways to collaborate with your team on complex projects for business-critical documents.

When you are working in a large project team on a complex proposal or critical document, do you find yourself swimming (like those 7 swans!) in a pool of emails, voicemails, text messages and chats? That email you received this morning is quickly obsolete when you receive a new chat in WhatsApp or Slack. Then your supervisor leaves an urgent voicemail which is entirely different from the email or message.

Unstructured process for collaborating on complex projects can drive people crazy -problems include delays, duplicate work and conflicting information.

Typical issues include:

  • Unstructured communication such as long email chains which are difficult to follow and action (and don't get us started with messages sent "reply all"!)
  • Managing security rights and access when working with confidential company or customer information
  • Lack of document or system access for external stakeholders - such as contractors, suppliers, vendors and other third parties - who are working on the project
  • Mistakes in routing information or assigning tasks to the wrong contributor
  • Lack of context for edits and comments
  • Travel or out of office delays - or simply forgetting to send a comment or note during the course of a busy day

At Xait, we have heard all of these challenges - and more - since we launched the first XaitPorter platform 15 years ago. So for the 7th day, we propose 7 solutions to improve collaboration...

7 Ways to Collaborate within XaitPorter:

  1. Project and Task Overviews provide real-time visibility into every project and task to which a contributor is assigned
  2. Role-defined collaboration enables contributors to collaborate based on user role or group membership for a specific section
  3. Email notifications outside of XaitPorter for users on the road or who are unable to log into the platform
  4. Interactive comments so contributors are able to read real-time feedback and respond quickly
  5. Access-based collaboration to enable authorized users to read or edit restricted or confidential information
  6. Transparent rules and processes for collaboration (e.g. time-based, workflow -based)
  7. Dynamic work groups and structured, secure processes for collaboration with external stakeholders - vendors, suppliers, customers and other third-party contributors

So you no longer need to drown in unstructured collaboration processes - get out of the pool and enjoy the swans.