Xait Blog

Streamline your Content Management Process with XaitPorter

Written by Kris Sæther | Dec 4, 2018 11:00:00 PM

Content management is an inherently collaborative process. A critical aspect of content management is the ability to manage versions of content as it evolves. Another equally important aspect of content management involves the creation, maintenance, and application of review standards. Each member of the content creation and review process has a unique role and set of responsibilities in the development or publication of the content.

Still, many organizations use a content management solution built on top of a program that was launched to replace the typewriter, Word. An inherently collaborative process is difficult to achieve with a file-based solution that is best suited for a single worker.

In today fast moving business environment, the efficiency of the knowledge worker is vital to achieving competitive advantage. Knowledge workers today waste enormous of time just battling with formatting and other time-consuming aspect of content management that is not about focused on increasing efficiency and quality. Combined with the expected role of each role of the knowledge worker to create and review content, a standard solution built on Word is not fit for purpose.

Increase efficiency, quality and integrity

A database driven document solution eliminates the time wasted on formatting, layout and numbering. Knowledge workers can be responsible for content that is pre-approved across an array of various document types, increasing their worth to the business. All while being more efficient and increasing the quality of the content. How so? If knowledge workers can focus on content, and the solution can reuse and re-purpose this content smarter. They can work smarter to achieve more. The result is that the organizations as a whole can better manage the creation, maintenance and application of content across their live documents.

A database driven document solution allows for a single source. Single source publishing allows the same content to be used in different documents or in various formats. The labour-intensive and expensive work of editing need only be carried out once, on one document. Further transformations are carried out mechanistically, by document automation tools (Document Collaboration in virtual teams).

Moving to a database driven document solution for your content can increase efficiency, quality, integrity and more - giving you back control.

At Xait, this is just what we focus on, a database driven document solution - XaitPorter.

Contact our team to learn more.