Xait Blog

How Your Company Can Turn Remote And Hybrid-Remote Work Into A Strength

Written by Silje Stensland | Jan 20, 2022 11:00:00 PM

How can your company use the challenges it has been faced with, and turn remote work into a definite organizational strength? If done correctly, remote work and hybrid-remote are enforcing a new wave of digitalization, speeding up productivity – and potentially giving you top-motivated employees.

Major companies like Google, Amazon, and Spotify have extended their corporate policies, encouraging employees to work from home, well beyond the 2021 mark. Some companies have even extended to indefinite plans and policies.

What Are Some Of the Crucial Benefits?

Happy employees lead to a healthier corporate spirit! Many employees strive for a better work-life balance. By cutting the time spent commuting when working remotely, you are allowing your employees to gain more hours back into their daily life. In many cases, this will result in a happier and more productive balance, also in their day-to-day work life.

Remote work can also allow your employees to work in an environment free from the typical interruptions that come with the office. This will ensure a better foundation, enabling more deep work and helping your employees stay focused and not get frequently sidetracked throughout the day.

“Psychological studies exploring the challenge of attentive residue showcase one of the major benefits of remote work free from distractions"

There is no easier or faster way to reduce a company's physical footprints and save money, than shifting from physical to remote work. Combining the reduction of its real estate footprint together with employer’s commute travels will result in severe reductions. In fact, it can totally reshape sustainability in all aspects of a company.

5 Keys to Turning Remote Working Into a Strength

  •  Long-Term Plan:
    Ensure that there is a good long-term plan and strategy for executing remote or hybrid-remote work. You need to consider this as the new foundation of your cooperation, and it should play an equally important role as your core values do.
  • Benefit from Choosing the Accurate Technology for Your Company:
    The correct co-authoring and productivity tools will strengthen your competitive advantage and streamline the workflow throughout your company.
  • Training for the New Normal:
    Give your managers and executives the proper training – and space for improving their skill sets and adapting to the new work-life.
  • New Norms and Company Rules:
    Take necessary measures in all aspects of your company to adapt, especially with a set of updated rules and guidelines as tools. This will make you succeed with a well-adapted culture throughout the whole company.
  • A New Era for Security:
    Now is the time to really put the capital C in cybersecurity. Ensure that remote access is protected, requirements for network security are met, and raise employee awareness.
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Related: Read more about creating documents faster with XaitPorter

A Jump Start Into the Future

There is no doubt that working remotely is a challenge none of us could foresee going into 2020, at least not at such a massive scale. But with the correct plan, tools, and corporate mentality, it may have been one of the best challenges that has been handed to us so far. It has forced us to move forward, think different – and, not least, get a jump start on the future!