Xait Blog

How XaitCPQ Helps You Become Easier to Buy From

Written by Kevin Geraghty | Aug 5, 2021 10:00:00 PM

The old-school approach to B2B sales is on the decline, and for good reason. Buyers want to be helped and guided rather than sold at. Easier said than done in a world where complex product offerings are becoming more commonplace and buyers have less time to make decisions.

This is why we created XaitCPQ: an easy-to-use CPQ solution that empowers organizations to win more deals at better margins – by making it really quick and really easy to correctly build combinations of products and services, price them accurately, and do so at scale.

Here are three ways XaitCPQ makes it easier to buy from you.

1. Provides Easier Access to Information

Pricing and quoting is often done by people who are higher up the supply chain from those that require the information. All of these situations – salespeople rely on product experts, channel partners rely on suppliers, end users rely on manufacturers – take valuable information away from where it is most needed. 

XaitCPQ makes this information available through an easy-to use online tool. Not only does this increase the speed of delivery, it also increases the conversion rate and enhances the brand experience. 

Does your company sell through multiple channels, e.g., via direct sales, channel partners, distributors, overseas agents/subsidiaries? This issue becomes even more pronounced if this is the case – as it's quite likely that complex products and services will require expert technical assistance and accurate information during the presale stage.

Accessing relevant and precise information to the right people at all times, with tools that will assist them in their daily work, will also increase your organization's knowledge bank through the capturing of more quotes and with greater detail.   

An increased volume of accurate and up-to-date granular data translates into lowered business decision and forecast risk.    

Also, XaitCPQ empowers your sales channels and partners, making them self-sufficient yet close-knit with the supplier. Furthermore, XaitCPQ gives your company improved access to valuable external sales data.

Read: Why You Need to Become Easier to Buy From

2. Keeps Your Sales Teams Working 24/7

The cloud makes it easier to work anywhere, anytime. Cloud computing reduces the need for people to be physically in an office all day and allows them access to corporate data with any device on hand. It also helps boost productivity by providing a more flexible way of working – from home or while travelling.

XaitCPQ is cloud-based, so you can offer convenient access to information for traveling sales staff. This enables sales reps to work from any location and on any device, whether they are stranded in traffic or flying at 30,000 feet. 

With less dead time when working remotely due to the convenience of their "travel office" being accessible anywhere with an internet connection or WiFi signal – they can spend more time looking for sales opportunities in unexpected places.

Your sales team members can prepare quotes any time, in any place and on any device. This will help them close more deals while strengthening initial client relationships with the speediness of converting a quote to an order. 

Think about it: How can your sales team be most effective and make your company easier to buy from? By being able to consult and offer their best proposals anytime, anywhere. This is the future of selling.

3. Helps You Create Better-Looking Quotes

You might not think a typo can be costly in customer-facing sales documents, but this is often the case. Whether it's out-of-date or low-resolution graphics, inconsistent (or no!) use of brand guidelines, or poor layouts, these mistakes will detract from your message and fail to communicate with clients effectively.

Manually compiling and crafting a well-designed, appropriately branded document, whether it is a proposal, a quote or a contract is a tedious, time-consuming task. Spending more time building relationships and selling makes salespeople much more valuable (and happier!).

With XaitCPQ, you will be able to move past cumbersome PDFs and into the world of impressive web-based presentations. This means no more ‘copy and paste’ mishaps! 

Tailored images, graphics and specification pages mean that customers never have any ambiguity about what they’re signing up for. Precise technical information alongside clear Terms & Conditions ensures there are no misunderstandings or questions left unanswered before a purchase is made. 

Simply put – with XaitCPQ, you can generate consistent, compelling, professional, and fast quotes that will captivate your customers, securing your team more sales.


Imagine if you could win more deals at better margins. Well, with XaitCPQ it’s really quick and easy to build the correct combinations of products and services. 

XaitCPQ captures all of the complex product, pricing, and business rules in one central place, so that actions are automated and streamlined in real time. This allows your sales team to have everything they need at their fingertips to close deals faster, with better collaboration, control and transparency.

What’s more, XaitCPQ will seamlessly integrate with our proposal solution XaitPorter, and the combined advantage of both solutions creates a competitive advantage. Plus, since XaitCPQ can be deployed within your ERP or CRM system, there's no need for manual input from sales reps. And that means less time spent on quoting – which means more time selling. 

If you’re looking for a way to make it easier for your customers to buy from you, XaitCPQ might be the solution. Why not sign up for a free demo? You'll be able to see how much quicker we make things happen and get started winning those new business opportunities sooner than ever before.