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Let's talk about XaitRFI

XaitRFI guides teams through RFI, DDQ, and security questionnaire response creation. XaitRFI is ideal for individuals and teams who must deliver strategic answers despite tight deadlines.

XaitRFI streamlines quote collaboration

Guided configuration
Guided configuration

Put together the right offering every time, including upsells and cross-sells.

Accurate pricing
Accurate pricing

Put together accurate pricing and maximize margins with every quote.  

Calculation pricing
Calculation pricing

Eliminate errors with auto calculation and delays with approval thresholds. 

Intuitive interface
Integrate data

Seamlessly integrate with CRM and ERP, eliminate data entry and drive accuracy.

Integrate data
Automatic workflow

Keep the team on track. Automatically guide your team through the process as they update, review and approve. 

Discover our latest white paper:
The ultimate Proposal Management Checklist
