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Xait welcomes new client: SAR AS

Author picture

Tore Medhaug



1 min

Xait is delighted to welcome SAR AS as a new client.

Established in 1987, SAR AS is a global waste management partner and service provider which offers a full range of services which they have trademarked: Waste Chain Management, WCM®. SAR AS focus primarily on hazardous waste fractions and drilling waste from the petroleum industry. Their mission is to turn waste into value by offering counselling, handling and processing at their own facilities. SAR offers the best and most environmental friendly treatment solutions available on the market.

"We are thrilled to have one of the challengers in waste handling as a new client."

- Tore Medhaug, Business Development Manager, Xait

Read more on the SAR website


Author picture

Tore Medhaug

Tore holds a Technical degree and has a variety of business courses from BI Norwegian Business School. He has previously worked for different oil service companies and IT companies. Tore used to be Norway's biggest self-proclaimed golf talent, and also has a big passion for Ice hockey.

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