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Transform your proposal process with a co-authoring solution

Author picture

Kris Sæther



1 min

Build it and they will come, driven by the passion to improve. How does everyone continuously improve as mandated annually by the business? By using better tools. Tools designed to handle your environment, quickly and simply. 

Put the optimum tool into the hands of your people who make the business run, particularly your company’s proposal team. If you expect more, make it fair by providing them the capability to fulfill the improvement effort.


Improve proposal response time 

Managers and executives all over the world turn to co-authoring and automation software to empower their people to get things done correctly, accurately, fast, and with full transparency. 

Fast is dependent on the underlying architecture of all enterprise software solutions. Top-notch proposal software is built for speed. Common to sales and business development, often speed to respond is a key factor of win rates and win values ratios. Quickly reusing data requires the ability to manage the expiration of content, so along with an integrated workflow, a good proposal software solution manages content expiration, thus accuracy.


Transform your proposal process

Responsible for generating new revenue? Bid more deals. To do so requires the right tool. Considering such a solution for improvement requires strong abilities to listen, consider, justify, and implement. 

Are you one of those people who need to speed things up? Does your business demand faster, better, more accurate proposals? Then partner with a trusted vendor and transform your proposal creation process using best-in-class co-authoring and automation software.

Read more: Everything you want to know about proposal software


case study with dinhms-gruppen

Author picture

Kris Sæther

Kris Sæther is Chief Commercial Officer of Xait. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Graphic Media Studies, and has worked in financial communication in London and Frankfurt prior to joining Xait. He has 20+ years experience from the information management industry. Kris is an avid runner and skier, and a passionate fan of the world’s coolest soccer team, Tottenham. If he is not working or running you will find him cheering for his two daughters on the handball court.

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