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The 12 Days of Christmas: The Second Day - 2 Dashboard Reports

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2 min

“On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 2 dashboard reports and one project in XaitPorter”

What project data and information can you view in your dashboard reports?

Overall project overview - including project timelines and progress and

Detailed data and information - including resource allocation; comments and edits; approvals and workflows     

The dashboard will typically be the first screen you see when you log into the XaitPorter platform (unless you are logging directly into a specific project - remember the first day ?)

You can think of the Dashboard as the command center for your overall administrative and reporting tasks. You also have the ability to select which reports you would like to see in your dashboard - as well as deciding where those reports should display - by simply dragging and dropping them into your preferred position. You can also adjust the size of the reports by simply dragging them to different columns. For example, if you have three reports in one column, each will be 1/3 height; but if you have one report in a column by itself, the report will expand to make use of the full column height. It's super easy for your entire project team to use and customize.


Xait Christmas Ornaments

Twelve Days of Christmas Day Two Dashboard Reports Screenshot

This customization allows you to optimize your work space and tailor XaitPorter to your needs - saving you and your team valuable time by having your most important information available at a glance. Here is a little secret as well: you can have many more than two dashboard reports.

Dashboards give you better control and real-time visibility of your project - and this is your gift for Day 2. Wait until you see what we have for tomorrow...

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Xait is redefining document collaboration. We believe that document collaboration should be about improving both quality and productivity. And this is exactly what we help our customers do with XaitPorter. By removing interruptions in the document creation process, we provide our customers with focus.

Etiam arcu faucibus ultrices quisque odio. Venenatis nunc ut blandit urna.