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Key Factors When Evaluating Sales Enablement Software - Part 2

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Coralie Beelen



2 min

A powerful sales enablement solution allows sales teams to collaborate easily across departments, time zones, and geographical regions without the hassle of traveling and scheduling on-site meetings.

In this second part of this series, we dive into 4 new factors to help you when evaluating sales enablement softwares. 

Integration Capability

Requirements change over time. Make sure that the sales enablement software solution you choose offers a decent API, which supports your business case today and in the future. The software must integrate seamlessly with your existing systems, such as CRM (i.e. Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics), contract management, ERP, or project systems. It should also be able to gather information and templates from integrated CRMs.

User-Friendliness / UX Quality

Training should be provided by the vendor as a part of the implementation. You must be able to adapt the system yourself after "go live", without involving the vendor. However, if you need assistance, they must provide it.

Test out the software to see just how easy-to-use and intuitive it is in your real-world use case.

Anywhere, Anytime, Any Device Access

A powerful sales enablement solution allows sales teams to collaborate easily across departments, time zones, and geographical regions without the hassle of traveling and scheduling on-site meetings.

You must ensure that the sales enablement software you choose is accessible and works on the devices that your sales team wants to use, at the time they need it. This allows them to collaborate on a deal in real time – both internally with colleagues and externally with partners, customers and prospects.


Last but not least: It is imperative to safeguard your confidential information. So pay close attention to the security measures provided by the software.

Make sure that the information and data are stored in a secure database that can only be accessed by the software. You should also be able to restrict access to the appropriate team members only.

Find out the five top sales enablement solutions to help you sell more by downloading here.

Digital Sales Enablement

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Coralie Beelen

Coralie is an experienced Business Developer Manager at Xait. She studied Business Administrations in Germany with a focus on International Affair and has worked in Tech directly after her graduation. Her interests vary from painting, to literature, technological innovations, and cuisine.

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